Tips for Finding Your Voice Online Using Pinterest

Do your Pinterest Boards reflect you and the voice you’re creating with your website or brand?  My passion on Pinterest is about sharing resources and tips for Parenting and Early Childhood Education.  What’s yours?

Tips for Finding your Voice on Pinterest

Why are you on Pinterest?  Can your readers and/or customers easily identify the purpose of your pinterest boards? Your Pinterest Boards should feel like a store front window for your brand. Does yours?  With over 1.5 Million on Pinterest followers at The Educators’ Spin On It we’re continually trying to ensure that we’re bringing to our amazing followers the content that encouraged them to click FOLLOW.  Here are a few steps to get you started.

How To Find Your Online Voice on Pinterest 

Finding your voice on Pinterest is one the biggest steps you need to take in order to be seen in the ever-growing platform.  You want users to see you as the expert and stop at your boards first.  Be sure to align your boards with that content users will be typically looking for.  Finding ways to connect and solve problems for them.  Find ways to save them time, they’ll love you (follow you) for it. Have a list of ultimate words you’d love to be known for on your website through google analytics and apply them to your Pinterest Board choices.

Tips for Making a Big Impact with Your Pinterest Boards

  • Take a peek at your pin count numbers.  Are there some taking up space and could be reworked, deleted or repined to bring attention to new followers?
  • Organize your boards in a manner that’s easy to follow and find resources.
  • Check that all of your boards have been labeled properly with description containing keywords for SEO.
  • Take a look at boards you collaborate on.  Does the board still reflect you and the voice you want to be on Pinterest? Do they use keywords in board descriptions for your content?
  • Consider starting a new collaborative board and personally invite bloggers who share similar interests on a specific platform for your desired niche.
  • Insert your Pinterest board preview on your side bar or about me page.
  • Feature your top Pinterest Friendly posts on your side bar

Pinterest has changed the way users are searching for their interests with their recent layout changes. Are you highlighting your best content to your customers?

Making a BIG Impact with your Pinterest Boards.  Tips for Finding your Voice on Pinterest

Do you need support on where to start?  I’d love to schedule a 1 Hour Session with you!  {Click here to Sign up} Spaces are limited 

Upcoming Topics to be Featured on my Pinterest Consulting site …..

  • Ways to work with brands on Pinterest…until then listen to my podcast on Oh So Pinteresting 
  • Elements of a quality image on Pinterest
  • Programs to use to create images … until then listen to my podcast on BizChix
  • Time saving tips for searching on Pinterest
  • Sites available to help with scheduling
  • Effects of new privacy policies updates
  • Time saving tips for pinning pins in your content area
  • Tips for who to decide to follow on Pinterest
  • How to utilize Pinterest Analytics… until then Read my Article on Social Media Examiner
  • Tips for how to collaborate with others to get the biggest impact on Pinterest… until then watch my video with Manly Pinterest Show

Do you know your voice on Pinterest. Do your followers? Let’s find it!

Join me as a Guest Host #Pinchat 10/15 at 9pm 

HERE’s the recap of the #PinChat Twitter Chat from Storify {Click Here

If you have any questions feel free to share below or email me. Don’t forget to SIGN UP for my Free Pinterest Newsletter  . 

With over 70+ Million users Pinterest is the place to be!