Creating an Editorial Calendar for Summer Content on Pinterest

Setting up your editorial calendar for Summer Content on your Pinterest Account should be a HIGH priority for your summer marketing plan. Pinning LIVE needs to be a part of your summer plan too. Here’s why…. 

Many bloggers go on a lighter schedule during the summer time. They acknowledge their readers are busy offline with their families at home and traveling on summer vacations. Should you? 

Summer Pinning Strategies

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Summer Pinning Schedule for Success

The ironic part is that your online community is probably searching for your content during the summer.  Life’s a little hectic during summer so people have less time to find what they are looking for.  You need to know you’re there as the answer.  So what pinners do is to quickly jump to Pinterest to find the things they are looking for.  

It’s one of the top search engines!  

Be a Pinner’s Answer in Search this Summer

I want your pins to be their answer.  So before our busy schedule of summer, I want you to spend time creating your editorial calendar for Pinterest and have it all scheduled out using Tailwind’s Scheduling tool.  Click here if you haven’t signed up yet.

Research the terms that you think that your customers will be searching for during this time period.  For me here are some suggestions as someone who’s trying to reach a typical family for the summer.

You can quickly schedule content from your website onto Tailwind and use their interval feature to spread your Summer Pins out over several boards over several weeks to ensure that pinners see your content. Don’t forget your popular evergreen content too!

Click here for a tutorial on how to user Tailwind’s Interval Feature.

EXPLORE Trending Terms on Pinterest with this link 

Summer topics and trends to watch on Pinterest with Pins

Click here to see our PinChat RECAP on Summer Pinning Strategies 

EXPLORE Trending Terms on Pinterest with this link 

Spend some time look around to see how Pinterest is classifying things for summer and learn at what point your content begins to show up.  If there are far too many pins showing up before yours then it means you need to spend some time focusing on the key terms on your pins and Pinterest boards to help you summer content show up.

The more popular the content is the better is can also show up in search so much sure you’re sharing popular summer pins on your other social media channels and perhaps in your emails.  Consider updating a image to help is show up better based on the visual search engine on Pinterest for your summer content.

Summer Terms on Pinterest to Use

Because Pinterest is a long term game we can look at what trended in year’s past to see what will most likely trend this summer.  Here’s a few suggestions in these editorial calendar from some of my favorite Pinterest Experts.

Summer Editorial Calendar for Pinterest 

Creating an editorial calendar will allow you
to allow you to be a little more flexible this summer knowing that you have a visual strategy for marketing your business on Pinterest throughout the summer months.  

It will also allow you to start brainstorming content this Fall.  Now is the time to starting thinking and drafting ideas and ways to consider your visual marketing strategy on all other platforms.

Free up this time by scheduling out pins based on your editorial calendar.  What to pin?  Take a look at your google analytics from last summer and see what drove the most traffic to your website.  Start with that top tier content.

SIGN UP HERE to be notified when my NEW Pinterest Course in available.  **COMING SOON in JUNE**

Summer Pinning Strategies for Pinterest for your website

The Main Reason to LIVE Pin This Summer

One thing I do want you to do this summer is to LIVE PIN onto your account.  This is not because one does better than the other based on results individuals are sharing.

It’s for one main reason…. I don’t want you to lose touch with the platform.  

The truth is that when you forget about this platform, Pinterest, it forgets about you.

Pinterest shares with you things that are popular and trending and it’s something you need to be aware of in your niche.  Having your content ready to go when those opportunities strike are key.

Plus, seeing what’s trending sometimes might prompt you to do an impromptu post.  In summer your kids are with you or your brand might be doing something and you can quickly share. It doesn’t have to be on Pinterest.  It might be an Instagram story If you ever feel like you’re starting to do some trendy stuff on Instagram. Try to drive traffic with your Pinterest to your Instagram account or Facebook page.  Families are more active on social media during the summer months, because they are sharing life moments on social media.  So if you’re sharing there about the same thing there is a higher probability they will see your content.

Connect with Pinners on Social Media Channels this Summer

If they are on Pinterest and you’ve pinned your summer Instagram posts, that’s a great way to build up your Instagram account over the summer.  You could alway create a challenge on Instagram through Pinning it.  Creating a challenge board, day by day Capturing those summer bucket lists developed from your website’s focus and you can create a Pinterest board focused on it.  Summer Bucket list on  Pinterest Board.  Set the challenge, repin and share on Instagram.  This type of campaign is all about building community.

Summer Trends on Pinterest

PLUS our Friends at Tailwind shared a quick Facebook Live about What to PIN IN JUNE that I thought you’d want to watch!  You can take a peek at their Pinterest Trends Boards here or read the What to Pin in June Article.   and what the Video.

Summer Pins Strategy on Pinterest

So set aside some time this week to plan for summer.  It should take you around 3 hours! 

  • Schedule out ALL of your SUMMER CONTENT into a scheduler on Pinterest. (120 minutes)
  • Be sure to take some time to research what terms are most searched to include in your pin descriptions and images.  (30 minutes)
  • Set a time in your week/day through the summer to search on Pinterest and LIVE PIN to keep up with trends and stay engaged.  (10 minutes)
  • Brainstorm popular topics for fall this summer (20 minutes)

If you have a board you’re focusing on more this summer please leave the link in the comments below and share with us.  

Have a great summer!  

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