7 Reasons You Should Join #PinChat on Twitter and Facebook

What is #Pinchat? Are you even familiar with the term #PinChat?  If not you should be. Here’s are 7 reasons you should join the PinChat Facebook community and participate in the #PinChat Twitter chats on Wednesdays at 1pm ** New Time**. I promise you, it’s a place that will take your Pinterest game plan to a whole new level.  Plus I have a BIG announcement for you at the end of this post!

7 Top Reasons to Join the #PinChat Community and Twitter Chat Wednesdays at 9pm

What is #Pinchat

Let’s start with a little background about #PInchat.  It’s a weekly chat on Twitter hosted by the one and only Kelly Lieberman (@Tribe2point0 on Twitter and @kellylieberman on Pinterest).  Kelly has been hosting #Pinchat since November of 2011, that’s over 3 years of Pinterest awesomeness gathered in one spot.  She invites rockstar guests each week to the twitter chat to interview with her well crafted questions, you know they ones you’ve always wanted to asks the brands who are performing well on Pinterest and social media in general. #Pinchat does just that!

Plus we then carry the conversations over to the Facebook Community.  You will also notice many of her guests are PinChat Community members too.

Join #PinChat Twitter Chats on Tuesday nights at 9pm and our Facebook Community

Kelly has interviewed talented Pinterest experts like Peg Fitzpatrick, Cynthia Sanchez , Vincent Ng, and Jeff Sieh. She’s interviewed businesses that work on supporting Pinterest efforts like Ahalogy, Hello Society, Viraltag, Piqora, Curalate . Plus big brands like Elizabeth Arden, The Grommet, This Old House, Grammy’s, Sony, Mashable, Scholastic, Picmonkey and even Meg Caswell from HGTV.

I’ve been a guest on the chat multiple times and even hosted a few times in the past few years.

Have you participated in a PinChat before?

PinChat Newsletter for Pinterest Marketing from Kim Vij

PinChat Newseltter Sign Up

Discuss Top Topics About Pinterest

Did you know that Kelly was selected as one of 14 pinners who were invited to the White House during the holidays when it launched it’s Pinterest account?

In 3 years she’s hosted a number of important topics all focused on Pinterest. But as you know Pinterest changes quite frequently so there is always a reason to get together weekly and discuss it. Take a peek at Kelly’s Flipboard “All About Pinterest” or follow the hashtag #pinchat on Twitter and you’ll see how quickly things can change.  Both Kelly and I share articles about Pinterest each day on Twitter.  If you want us to comment or reshare your tweet about Pinterest just tag it with #pinchat.

One feature of #PinChat is “Open Mic Night” when you get to jump in and share your thoughts and connect with other pinners during the chat.  If you have a topic you’d like to discuss feel free to comment below or leave a comment in the PinChat facebook group.

#PinChat hosts Open Mic nights where community members called #pinchatters join in and share their own observations and questions too.

How Can I Join #PinChat

Every Wednesday on Twitter we join together at 1pm EST to chat about Pinterest.  Come Join us!  Plus you can join the PinChat Facebook Community too.

Benefits of Joining the #PinChat

The #PinChat facebook community is consistently sharing great resources that we discover about Pinterest. Here are 7 advantages of participating in #Pinchat.

  • Discover and learn about the lastest tools to manage your Pinterest account.
  • Discuss your pinterest strategy with members and learn from their shared ideas too.
  • Create instant connections on Twitter. Just tag #pinchat on Twitter and PinChat Community will engage with you.
  • Find ways to improve your Pinterest marketing plan from expert guests featured on the #PinChat Twitter chat.
  • Share articles and case studies you read about Pinterest and see others that PinChat members share.
  • Find support for areas of concern with your Pinterest account by asking questions with the community.
  • Build relationships with #PinChat community members.  I’ve met some amazing and talented individuals in the group.

Click here to Follow my Pinterest Board about Pinterest Tips for Business Owners

Announcement for #Pinchat Community: I’m the new Co-Host!!!!

BONUS I’ll now be there in #PinChat as your Co-host with Kelly!  I’m so honored that Kelly has asked me to fill this role as a cohost of the facebook community and twitter chats.  That means there will be the power of two of us during chats.  I’ll be using Storify to archive the chats and share about them on this website too.  Sometimes, if you’re like me, it’s nice to go back and reread what was shared and see how it applies to your own account.  Plus with busy schedules and times zones I know at times 9pm EST doesn’t always work.

Let’s Chat about Pinterest!

Can’t wait to share with you the upcoming guests we’re scheduling for PinChat. We have a few plans in the works behind the scenes so keep watching for new updates!  Are you ready to join the fun with me cohosting?  See you Wednesday night on Twitter at 9pm at #PInchat!

7 Reasons to Join #PinChat Community and Twitter Chat on Wednesday Nights! Hosted by Kelly Lieberman and Kim Vij

Click HERE to Join #PinChat on Facebook

I would love it if you would leave me a comment and tell me WHO you would like to see us interview on #PinChat Twitter Chat and the TOPICS of high priority for you.

7 thoughts on “7 Reasons You Should Join #PinChat on Twitter and Facebook

  1. Kim ~ I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am to have the opportunity to co-host #PinChat with you! We have such an awesome and enthusiastic community! Thank you so much for sharing all of your Pinterest knowledge, stepping in to host, and support — over these 3 1/2 years (wow – crazy). So looking forward to continue to nurture and grow the community and of course chat all things Pinterest! Cheers to this PinAdventure!

  2. My copywriting agency joined in for the first time today along w/ our social specialist, Sophia. They gave great feedback & said would be a regular in the weekly chat sessions. I look forward to being in one, myself, too! Great job & thanks for putting up this comprehensive guide to #PinChat. Cheers!

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