10+ Visual Social Media Marketing Experts You Should be Following

Are you finding it a challenge to stand out as your build your business on social media? You only have so many hours in a day and your want to make those moments count.  In the past few years I’m had the chance to connect with many social media experts both online and in real life at the conferences when I present. I learn so much from hearing them share about what works for them and the clients the represent.  I’m excited to share with you that a few of these experts are coming together for a one of a kind online conference for you…. Visual Social Media Conference!

 pinnable brand

The organizers of Visual Social Media Conference have hand-picked speakers who “walk the walk” and live their success.  These are people who, through their content, including books, blogs, videos, classes, and other offerings, have helped countless others use visuals to grow their own businesses and ignite their own content and lead generation programs.

So thankful to have connected with the organizers Jeff Sieh, Vincent Ng and Alisa Meredith!   If you are are not following them be sure to add them to a twitter list of Pinterest Experts to follow!

Visual Social Media Conference Nov 4-5

Visual Social Media Conference

Take a peek at what’s on the schedule for the next two days at Visual Social Media Conference!  Packed full with experts and visual content to help you grow your brand online.

Day 1:

Day 2:

AND MORE on Panel discussions

Speakers at the Visual Social Media Conference
We are all looking forward to working with YOU and answering your questions! In our Sessions you will get our….

Insights– Discover the value and potential of visual social media marketing.

Tactics– How to know what will work for you.

Strategies– How exactly to do it.

Tools– Find out which tools will save you time and make your business stand out.

Pinterest Visual Marketing Tips for business Owners

Live Visual Marketing Conference

In this LIVE, online visual social media conference, you’ll go behind the scenes as expert speakers reveal their winning strategies for creating real resutls.  Attend LIVE and ASK Questions!

And the best part is…

No airline reservations, no packing, no hotels.  Watch from wherever you are!  If you miss a session, you’ll have access to all the recordings.

Flexible Schedule 

If you can make all the sessions, live, you’ll get the most benefit, as you’ll feel more engaged and get to see your own questions answered.  But if not, you can still watch afterwards – for up to a year following the event!

Live, & Interactive 

No lectures here! You’ll get actionable tips you can use today, as well as the ability to ask questions about the material you’re learning – in real time!

Tailored to YOU 

No matter what your marketing or social experience (or lack thereof), you’ll find tons of great information for where you are today. Beginners will find a wealth of information provided simply and in a way that’s easy to implement. More advanced users will appreciate the reminders, tactics, and updates as well as “power user” tips.

Visual Social Media Conference with 15% Discount Code from KimVij

Remember all the presentations are recorded too!  

See you there at 5:00pm for my Pinterest Presenation!  

Visual Social Media Conference


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