Creating a Visual Marketing Strategy on Pinterest

Pinterest has the ability to highlight your efforts in visual marketing with your business.  Are you using it wisely?  There are a few ways to strategize how to use Pinterest for your marketing efforts for your website.  One of foundations are the images you create.  Do they reflect your brand style consistently?  Here are a few suggestions to make your images STAND OUT on Pinterest.

Tips for creating a visual marketing strategy for Pinterest

Join PinChat tonight at 9pm with Guest Kim Garst

Kim Garst will be sharing with us Tips for Creating a Visual Marketing Strategy on Pinterest

Tips for Creating a Visual Marketing Strategy

As you look at your Pinterest account for your business there are a few things to consider.

  • Have I created images have a vertical layout?
  • Do I have a consistent style throughout my images?
  • Do my Pinterest Boards reflect me and my focus?
  • Do my boards look like my store front windows in real life?
  • Are my fonts consistent?
  • Are my images bright, clear and inviting?
  • Read the #PinChat recap on Storify for more tips! 

What tip would you add?

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#PinChat Guest Announcement

I’m excited to share with you this week’s #PinChat Guest!  It’s Kim Garst! @KimGarst

I had the chance to do a Periscope about Pinterest with her recently, Click here to VIEW

Kim Garst creatore of Social Boom

Connect with Kim Garst on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google +, Periscope, Linked in or Pinterest

Kim has owned an online business for 20+ years and have built her reputation as a leading authority on digital marketing and specifically, social selling over the past five years. She focuses heavily on speaking and training business owners worldwide on social selling strategies. Recently her newest book  Will the Real You Please Stand Up: Show Up, Be Authentic, and Prosper in Social Media was launched and, on day one, became an international best seller in multiple categories. She’s extremely passionate about sharing her knowledge around digital media, social media and especially, social selling as a way to grow your business.  Be sure to go visit Kim’s site Social to discover all of the amazing tips for businesses that she’s shared on her site. 

Pinterest Tips from Kim Garst

Click HERE to read the Storify Version of our PinChat with Kim Garst

Boom Social by Kim Garst

BIG NEWS!  I’ll be speaking this year at Social Boom Event in Chicago.  You can register now to attend Social Boom Event in Chicago September 18 to 20!  There will be tons of experts Pinterest there as well presenting with me.  I’ve put together an Pinterest Panel that I know you would love to share their Pinterest Marketing Strategies from including Susan Wenner Jackson from Ahalogy, Danny Maloney from Tailwind, Zoe Waldron from Hello Society and Peg Fitzpatrick! Join us at Social Boom 2015!

Register Now to attend Social Boom in Chicago

Social Boom Giveaway

SURPRISE!  Enter to WIN an All Access Pass to Social Boom!  I’m giving away ONE registration to Social Boom and would love for you to WIN!  Be sure to leave a comment below when you enter on what category you are using most on Pinterest for your Marketing strategy.  GOOD LUCK!  See you in Chicago

a Rafflecopter giveaway

 Giveaway ends 8/22/15 at 11:59pm PST

Speakers at Social Boom Conference in Chicago

Here’s the RECAP of our #PinChat with Kim Garst

#PinChat is hosted by Kelly Lieberman @Tribe2Point0 and Kim Vij @EducatorsSpin

Click HERE to Join #PinChat Group on Facebook

kim and kim on instagram at social boom

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